Job Title:
Company Name:
Mobile No:
1. Overall, how would you rate your experience at this summit?
2. Based on your experience at this summit, will your company participate at our next edition in 2024?
Definitely will
Probably will not
Probably will
Definitely will not
Don't know
3. Overall, how would you rate the quality of delegates at this summit?
4. How would you rate this event compared to other summits at which you participated?
Much better
Somewhat better
About the same
Somewhat worse
Much worse
5. Overall, how would you rate the summit facilities and services?
6. How important is this summit for your business?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Very Important
Not Important at All
7. Mention the top Job Titles / Companies that you are interested to meet in the future:
8. Please advise us if you would be interested in attending or sponsoring these summits:
Event Name
Event Location
2nd Annual Women Leaders Summit & Awards MENA
Dubai, UAE
24 - 25 October 2023
2nd Annual CX & Loyalty Summit MENA
Dubai, UAE
01 - 02 November 2023
9. Please provide any positive comments or quotes about the summit:
10. May we attach your name, job title to the above quotation?
11. Any other comments?