Job Title:
Company Name:
Mobile No:
1. Mention the 3 top speakers and topics that influenced you to attend this summit?
2. Would you attend this summit in 2024?
Definitely will
Probably will not
Probably will
Definitely will not
Don't know
3. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being excellent, 1 being poor), please rate your experience at the 3rd Annual Modernscapes MENA 2023:
4. Are there any specific speakers that you would value hearing from in next year's summit?
5. Please highlight areas of improvement to make this summit better next year:
6. Name 3 topics you would like to see in the next summit:
7. Please advise us if you would be interested in attending these summits:
Event Name
Event Location
2nd Annual Women Leaders Summit & Awards MENA
Dubai, UAE
24 - 25 October 2023
2nd Annual CX & Loyalty Summit MENA
Dubai, UAE
01 - 02 November 2023
8. Please provide any positive comments or quotes about the summit:
9. May we attach your name, job title to the above quotation?
10. Any other comments?